Conley, Susan,

Many brave fools : a story of addiction, dysfunction, codependency, and horses / Susan E Conley. - pages cm

Foreword : mount -- Shit -- Crazy -- Falling -- Fear -- Control -- Feel -- Present -- Clear -- Epilogue : forward.

"Writer Susan Conley realizes at age 42 that she is codependent, living in a broken marriage and struggling with a partner who is an addict, who she feels she needs to heal. Having never ridden in her life, she turns to horses and learning to ride, which help her learn to face her codependency and leave her relationship. Comparable titles are Codependent No More and The Language of Letting Go"--

9781570768873 (pbk.)


Conley, Susan.

Horsemanship--Therapeutic use.
Drug addicts' spouses--Biography.
Horsemen and horsewomen--Biography.


RM931.H6 / C66 2018
